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Monday, May 27, 2013

Weight loss and it's turmoil.

Yall.. I've been bad. I haven't spoken about weight loss at all because well.. It depresses me. I had originally lost ten pounds, and then I fell off the wagon. No, I didn't fall off... They kicked me off because I was too dang heavy. 

Note to self: Constant Taco Bell, In and Out burgers, and Ice Cream WILL cause weight gain, and self-hate. Just don't do it.

I had ended up gaining three pounds back which made me so mad at myself. So, I got back on the health grind, and lost those stupid three pounds again, and can I say how glorious it is to see 160.0 on the scale after seeing 163.0 on the scale for days on end?

 At one point it said 167.0... I think it was just water, but it scared the crap out of me. I NEVER want to be 170.0 ever again.

Anyway, enough talk, here are the progress photos. Don't judge me or say anything mean, or I will... be really sad. Intimidating.. I know.

See that! My love handles are going away! Anyway, I really intend on getting back on the grind. We are moving (woops, that's for another post) to a place that has a 24 hour gym, and a huge trail next to the marina. Plus, Mr.Awesome said if I wanted to pick up a Zumba class, he wouldn't mind spending the money.   I am a happy wife. I hope to be down 10-15 more pounds down by next fall. If not more. I will be more accountable with my weight loss, and not hiding behind a Taco Bell taco, or an In and out burger from here on out. I realized that there are so many people out there that are FOR you, and not looking to bring you down. 

yummy food on the gooooo. 

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